
All World Notary LLC provides mobile notary document signing services to meet all of your document signing requirements. As a Notary Public, I'll work diligently and efficiently to handle any document signing requirements you may have. I take great pride in my work.
**Remote Online Notary and Loan Signing Agent Services Coming Soon**

General Document Notarization

A notarization is most likely an assurance provided by a Notary Public that the document’s signature is authentic, the signer acted freely, and the signer intended the document’s conditions are fully enforceable. The majority of notarization requests involve the signature of papers. All signers and any relevant witnesses required must be present for the notarization in all situations whether remotely or in-person. Valid identification must be provided by all signers, as needed by your state, as well as all pages of the document that is to be notarized.



Compliance (A.R.S. §§ 41-316): A notary can charge no more than $10 per notary public signature. Notary fees are set in rule (A.A.C. R2-12-1102). See the notary rules starting on page 52.


Compliance (A.R.S. § 38-412): Arizona law requires notaries public to post a schedule of fees in a conspicuous place.


Charge less than the $10 fee or up to $10 per notary public signature.

Not charge fees.

Fees shall be set and be consistent. That is, the same fee should be charged for each notarization. ⧫


Service or transaction fees: shall not be charged.

Mileage fees: can be charged. A notary public may charge a travel mileage, if he or she travels a distance to perform a notarization. The travel mileage fee is the amount allowed Arizona state employees. The Department of Administration determines the mileage fee through its General Accounting Office. The mileage fee schedule is posted at

2024 – $0.62.5 per mile